Maxine Noel Calendar

2026 Calendar by Maxine Noel

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This premium 12 month calendar is printed on high quality card stock and has 12 full colour art reproductions.

Calendar measures 9 x 12 inches (22.9 x 30.5 cm)

The artist is paid a royalty on the sale of this product. The artist's biography appears on the back of the calendar. 

Maxine Noel is an internationally renowned Native visual artist and mentor with a career spanning more than 35 years. Born on the Birdtail Reserve in Manitoba, Maxine Noel has lived in Stratford with her daughter for more than 20 years. She believes that there is a common bond that links all cultures of the world, and she continues to work tirelessly to bridge the gap between Native and non-Native communities.
Her dedication, commitment, strength and self-determination make her a valuable role model. Maxine works tirelessly and selflessly for others throughout our communities. She was one of the first artists to work with the Canada and Africa Village Twinning Programs, and she is a founding board member of the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation [now Indspire].
She has lectured at the Saskatchewan School of Fine Arts, the University of Western Ontario and the Ontario College of Art. She has also spoken at schools and to service and other groups throughout Canada, encouraging young people to engage in the work of building strong supportive communities. In 2017, Maxine leant her support to Dignitas International’s Indigenous Health Partners Program to help improve diabetes care in remote and underserviced First Nations communities in Canada. Proceeds from the sale of items such as an infinity shawl featuring Maxine’s painting Spirit of the Woodlands, are being donated to this much-needed program.
Currently, Maxine and other First Nations artists are working with Artists Against Racism on their EAGLES RISING project to raise awareness of the persistence of racism targeting Indigenous peoples in Canada. This project will involve a Canada-wide campaign of billboard and bus shelter advertisements featuring the work of First Nations artists to highlight this ongoing problem. My art is the way I offer healing to the worlds around me.

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